In this space of hospitality, students of Communication Theory from different schools share their understanding of how the media can be too close, too far, and, in ideal moments, both close and far. In so doing, it is hoped that they contribute to the negation of a mediapolis of complicity and collusion and the fostering of a mediapolis of understanding.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Miriam College: Group 4 (pm class- 11:30-2:30)

PROPER DISTANCE: both close and far. (Kris & Mae)

TOO FAR: the unfamiliar either pushed to a point beyond strangeness, beyond humanity.
(Elle & Lea)

TOO CLOSE: media draw so close to be indistinguishable from ourselves. ( Jill & Trixy)

GROUP 4 (PM class) 11:30-2:30
-* Jill Casido
-* Trixy Galang
-* Elle Cunanan
-* Mae Dagmil
-* Kris Dungog
-* Lea Deuda

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